There are many who get so caught up in the terror of life, who are so afraid to live, who feel they can't make changes in their life, that they decide to leave life. These are the ones you cannot help, except to give them loving energy and hope they can accept and feel it. The archetype of the Tormented Young Man or Woman is rife, in the society of the West particularly. Their angst seems unrelieve-able, and indeed it is because they are so caught up in the storm and don't understand there is no help to be found
outside themselves. This combined with their unwillingness or inability to take responsibility for their own condition makes their life something to be despised and thwarted, by them, at every turn. The Understanding or belief that you
ARE in control of what goes on within you is not something the average person, cut off from Source, can grasp.
Only when connection with The Source, Universal Oneness, God, something Greater Than Self, whatever you would call it, is known, only then can responsibility for your inner self be taken. For without this connection, there are no assurances, no energy, and no support for the awakening of a person.
Awakening the ones ignorant of the light within themselves, is a gentle, passive process which may or may not flower in their life. Never have attachment of what someone else is manifesting in their life, even when it affects yours. The only thing in your control is you, your responses and reactions and how you manifest your own life. Manifest ways in which you will be protected from the fallout from another's life choices by, say, an umbrella of Love. Then carry this umbrella of Love everywhere with you... Maybe galoshes of Love as well! This energetic protective 'clothing' will work wonders for you. Just imagine that anything that comes your way energetically that does not serve you, is reflected in a loving way back to the sender and transmuted so that it will serve them for their highest good.
Sometimes you believe that "for my highest good" could mean something "bad" and that you should just accept this. Do you realize that if you BELIEVE this, then this is what will happen? Why not change your belief to "...highest good..." equals joyful experiences?
There are so many deeply embedded negative beliefs that it will take conscious effort to turn yourself around. However, it CAN be done and is a very real and close possibility in your life. So get on with it. Begin loving your life and all the people in it, granting understanding for where you and others are in this moment and forgiveness for any 'fallout' from yourself or others.
You have the power, accept it, work with it, change your perspective, and the puzzle will come together on its own.