Yesterday, 9.22.2008, my 1/2 sister called me and what she told me blew my mind. I have another sister, maybe even a full sister and another adopted sister (actually cousin) that I did not even know existed. I am in shock. Unfortunately they live on the other side of the country or I would be in my car this minute!!!!! I also have 2 cousins on the east coast, but I haven't heard from them yet. All women, how about that?!?!?!? I go from having no real relatives, much less female ones, to a 1/2 sister and now more, all in a few short months.
The Universe is a Fabulous place and I have an amazing Life in it!
From what they have said, we have a lot in common and I am very much like our mother...
Namaste and AMEN Hallelujah!