This is a picture of my friend and I at her Mom's wedding--->
I have been having the experience of being off from work because of an injury... There are a lot of things I have come to understand during this time... Some days I am so tired of the 'push' toward anything metaphysical that I just want to lay down and watch movies and not have to think about anything! It is sometimes a wearying struggle within myself to get to the point of acceptance of myself and my experiences in the world... I can whine all I want to whomever would listen and believe it or not, some will... I remind myself to chose carefully the cheese to go with my whine {smile}... I do not feel weak or alone or despairing or anything really at all negative, I am just tired of the push at the moment... toward clinical certification, toward Doctorate work, toward enlightenment...toward making my body stronger... It is also a fairly dreary day, the kind when it is really nice to curl up with my cat and my knitting and just 'be' for a while, with nowhere to go and nothing to do... Maybe later, right now I must go write up more session evals for my certification, which although I am very excited about getting, I am also 'over' how much work it is! Love & Light, RoHun
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