Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Will wonders never cease... I have sisters!

Yesterday, 9.22.2008, my 1/2 sister called me and what she told me blew my mind. I have another sister, maybe even a full sister and another adopted sister (actually cousin) that I did not even know existed. I am in shock. Unfortunately they live on the other side of the country or I would be in my car this minute!!!!! I also have 2 cousins on the east coast, but I haven't heard from them yet. All women, how about that?!?!?!? I go from having no real relatives, much less female ones, to a 1/2 sister and now more, all in a few short months.

The Universe is a Fabulous place and I have an amazing Life in it!

From what they have said, we have a lot in common and I am very much like our mother...

Namaste and AMEN Hallelujah!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Zen Prana sleeping on my project...

My bag is so ZZZZZen...
Originally uploaded by RoHunDoc

Now I can post from flickr, the fancy photo sharing thing required by Ravelry. It is nice an' all, but I have been working with Picasa and Google for a long time and now I will have pictures and albums in two places... Maintenance is becoming complicated...


Out of the Closet with my Creativity

I have come out in the open with my "Fiber Fetish" and guess what? I walked right into a crowd! (grin) All of the craftier arts seem to be more popular than ever, especially things to do with fiber.

Knitting, crocheting, quilting, spinning and even tatting and lace making are part of a huge profitable industry. I know I love it and I love doing it with friends. What a great community rediscovered... and now it includes men too! How cool is THAT!?! I have also discovered that I have a passion for knitting lace... mmmmm. The only problem with this is that lace shawls aren't usually very quick projects (sigh)... oh well, that will not deter me, I just have several going at once of all levels of difficulty.

From the Rev. Dr in me comes the fact that this kind of "work" taps into the less analytical, more creative parts of our brains. This , I believe, is where higher spiritual thought occurs and as a result of this explosion of creative activity, a higher level of spiritual awareness is knitting us all together! What a beautiful way to seek enlightenment! (pun intended - grin)

"Faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible and receives the impossible. -- Anonymous"

Hugs, Love, Light & Laughter to you!

Rev. Linda Carol Adrienne, PhD, CCRhT

Never underestimate the Power of Love in your life, or in the world...

Monday, June 09, 2008

You know, I love technology....

You know, I love technology. This is a test message. I have called with my phone and posted on my blog. I love it.

Powered by Jott

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Quirky Morning Thoughts...


I feel worthy, and it feels good!

I am free to love & be loved and I free everyone else!

I am free to love myself without fear!


"You will meet someone soon who will offer you a wonderful opportunity."

Last week at a Chinese restaurant a fortune cookie said something very similar to the message....

Ooooooooo… Do Do do do Do Do do do…{poor imitation of the Twilight Zone theme} that fortune cookie is one of those things that make me go Hmmmmmmmm… I love it!

Obviously, I am feeling playful today. Have a fabulous day, my dears! Remember… look for evidence of your healing and your wholeness and you will find it. We will always find whatever we look for, so if we are sincerely dedicated to our own wholeness and healing, then we must first seek it out within ourselves. Once we do that, we can find it also in the world.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Happy New Year!

Wow, a new year with a plethora of fabulous opportunities! Do you have this thought for yourself? A life lived in a state of upliftment and an attitude of gratitude will be full of wonder. If life is lived in the opposite manner, it can only be filled with depression and sadness... I know which one I choose! How about you?

Take note of your thoughts and where your musings lead you, emotionally. Do you feel empowered and good about yourself, or just hopeless and depressed? If you can truly understand that how you think and feel is totally your own choice, then you are free to choose the good stuff!

As Mike Dooley says: "Thoughts are things, choose the good ones!"

Until next time... Namaste