Saturday, November 07, 2015

Blown away!

The age and size of these temples is mind blowing. Thousands of years ago. Towering columns. Stories written into these walls with layers of meaning. Temples built on even older temples. Wisdom about life that goes beyond human history. Emotions of epochs broiling in the consciousness of the sandstone itself, pushed in by those that removed the stone to display the honoring of the ancients. 
Holy cow, holy bird, holy lion!

Thursday, November 05, 2015

Crocodile god?

The Komombo Temple is dedicated to 2 gods, Horus who was a great protector and Sobek, the Crocodile headed god. 

They think the people worshiped Sobek because he was so fertile, he came from the life-giving Nile, and because the people didn't want to be eaten by earth-bound crocs. The people raised crocs in a well that was fed by the Nile. When the critters were big enough, they were embalmed.  Can you imagine the Archeologist breaking into a burial chamber, a handkerchief covering his mouth and nose, "WTF, Petrie, that's a blasted Alligator mummy!"

Worshipping something you're afraid of is something that continued in the Religions   tradition of my forebears.

Not knowing how to pray to the Crocodile God, I was reminded of the title of a book by Anne Lamott, one of my favorite authors: "Help, Thanks,
 Wow: The Three Essential Prayers" so that's how I walked around these ruins that were once completely buried under mud and sand. Help, Thanks, wow. 
Not, please don't eat me!

Monday, November 02, 2015

Now boarding

In Rome on 11/1
Waiting in Rome for our next flight. So international. Now boarding Tunis Now boarding Malta. Now boarding Tel Aviv. Now boarding Moscow 

We had to get Euros to buy water and a Vatican Souvenir. Vatican souvenir!  We're here with priests and pilgrims from all over. 

Now boarding Lisbon. Now boarding Nice.  Now boarding Dublin. 

All one world and much of the big wide world beyond our little one is connected through this present place. 

We built a column of light over the Mediterranean with the
intention that peace reign and all memory, record and cause of separation, grievance and enmity be dissolved for all time back in history and forward to all lands touched by this sea.

Now boarding Bucharest, Iago, Istanbul.

How do these toilets work?
So different yet we all need them. Every single one of us. 

Kuwait City. Dubai. Now boarding Cairo. Finally!  Arivaderci.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Our transport awaits

This "bus" is taking us across the ocean. It's a miracle!  LC is singing "The wheels on the bus go round and round". Hmm. I don't think so. 

Friday, October 30, 2015

A Sacred Journey to Egypt...

We are going to Egypt!

We've managed to reduce our baggage to an acceptable limit.  And I'm not just talking physical.  We get that this is an initiatory journey, one where letting go of the current life is part of opening to something bigger.  So, emptying, clearing, pruning down to next to nothing has been the order of the day.

Everyone is invited to connect with us at dawn on 11/11/15 as we receive initiation inside the great pyramid.  You may either join us at dawn in your local time zone or Egypt time, whichever you prefer.

We are planning to blog a bit about our trip with my co-blogger Kimberly Smith.  Since I like to take pictures, and she likes to write, I think it's a good combination.  Sign up to receive our blog updates and they will be automatically posted to Facebook and Google+ as well.

Bon Voyage, in so many ways!
In Loving Gratitude - Linda Carol & Kimberly