Monday, December 05, 2011


Today I received a gift in the mail… My mother's notebooks and scribblings. When I opened the box and saw what was in it, my emotions rose up into my throat.

I could only skim through the first of four bundles this time -- her words, her writing and pictures. Even that small touch moved me in my grief and a sense of deep loss, to cry. I cried because I never got to to meet this woman, this person who is not only like me by blood but like me in spirit as well. There is also a little umbrage that those who knew where I was didn't contact me and allow me the opportunity to see this reflection of my personality in life, to meet her, to know her, even a little.

I've never known anyone like me in this way. My mother was an artist, a musician, a healer and a psychic... all the things that I had been afraid of when I saw them in myself for the greater part of my life.

She and I have done many of the same things, followed many of the same thought processes and spiritual path directions… had many of the same feelings and limitations.

Now I just take a deep breath, and sigh as I step forward with both feet into this next level of growth in my life...