Monday, December 05, 2011


Today I received a gift in the mail… My mother's notebooks and scribblings. When I opened the box and saw what was in it, my emotions rose up into my throat.

I could only skim through the first of four bundles this time -- her words, her writing and pictures. Even that small touch moved me in my grief and a sense of deep loss, to cry. I cried because I never got to to meet this woman, this person who is not only like me by blood but like me in spirit as well. There is also a little umbrage that those who knew where I was didn't contact me and allow me the opportunity to see this reflection of my personality in life, to meet her, to know her, even a little.

I've never known anyone like me in this way. My mother was an artist, a musician, a healer and a psychic... all the things that I had been afraid of when I saw them in myself for the greater part of my life.

She and I have done many of the same things, followed many of the same thought processes and spiritual path directions… had many of the same feelings and limitations.

Now I just take a deep breath, and sigh as I step forward with both feet into this next level of growth in my life...

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What people say that feels GOOD...

My friend "A" copied me on an email she sent to her friend "B" recommending me to "B" as a RoHun Therapist. I think "A" describes her own RoHun experience neatly: 
 "...check out her web site to get more about RoHun and trust it's very personal and profound multi-dimensional healing..."
Wow, I think that's a fabulous recommendation, indeed!
P.S. The website mentioned is or

Sunday, February 06, 2011

2011... WHERE has the time gone???

I have been out of the 'loop' for the last year or so... I just realized that I have not posted anything for that year...

Life has been challenging and amazing and wonderful and difficult all at the same time.  So much has happened and I have changed so much... the world around me has changed so much as well...

I contemplate the changes within myself, the ways in which I have grown closer to the vision I had long ago which showed me what I was to be... then I had no clue about how I was to get to this place, now I see it in the periphery of my 'vision'.  What has changed?

I made a shift within myself when I attended the 10-day Vipassana Meditation Course - a VERY profound experience for me.

another big shift... I am the Pastor of the First Friday Healing Sanctuary in Virginia Beach where Healer volunteers and I  bring healing and comfort on all levels to those who attend.  I think that is the biggest thing of all, even tho' a thousand little things let up to it.

So many things have happened this past year...  As I write of my journey, they will come out.

Divine Mother Meditation